Chengdu FIDE Grand Prix: Koneru on a winning streak |

Humpy Koneru scored her third consecutive victory to emerge clear leader after four rounds of the FIDE Women's Grand Prix in Chengdu, China.
Koneru defeated Tan Zhongyi by utilising the power of two bishops.
In the longest game of the day Ju Wenjun converted the extra material against Pia Cramling. The remaining four games were drawn.
Photo gallery and round 4 standings are updated. Games are available for replay.
Koneru Humpy - Tan Zhongyi 1-0
In the Nimzo-Indian opening black surrendered the pair of bishops and then attempted a break in the center.
White didn't mind opening the files and diagonals, particularly since the black rook got stranded on the edge of the board.
After the exchange of the queens white started rolling the passed pawn forward. The two powerful bishops supported the advance and white duly collected a full point.

Cramling Pia - Ju Wenjun 0-1
White somehow misplayed the hedgehog system and run into problems in the early stage of the game.
Cramling tried to turn the bad trend by sacrificing a piece for two pawns. This continuation at least commanded a great precision from the black side.

Cramling believes that 33.Qe5 might have been a better try due to various tactics on the long diagonal. She did make mistake on the next move when 34.f3 was the only way to continue the fight.
After the exchange of the queens the rest was only matter of technique for Ju Wenjun.
Muzychuk Anna - Javakhishvili Lela ½-½
Black was well prepared for the Maroczy Sicilian and achieved equality without much difficulty.
Anna "saw nothing better" and went for queens trade. But this allowed Javakhishvili to lock the queenside and proceed without any risk.
Black's active idea was to meet possible 31.g4 with 31...hxg4 32.hxg4 g5!?. But after white moved 31.h4 the game was drawn.
Muzychuk Mariya - Harika Dronavalli ½-½

Mariya was disappointed with her play against the Sveshnikov Sicilian and she believed black was even better due to the lever on the a-file.
As the intended 16.Bh3 was breaking against 16...Bxd5 17.cxd5 Nd4, white had to brace for defence.
It is possible that black had missed better continuations, as Mariya proposed the doubling of rooks on the a-file or timely knight jump to d4.
As it happened in the game, after the massive exchanges the queenside was cleared of pawns and the players agreed to a draw on move 31.
Stefanova Antoaneta - Girya Olga ½-½

Khotenashvili Bela - Zhao Xue ½-½

(Updating in progress)